Tending to Your Center – A Journaling Exercise

As we enter the Summer season, we invite you to tend to your solar plexus. Our solar plexus is the energy center located above our navel at the center of our torso. In Sanskrit, the word for solar plexus is Manipura, which directly translates to “city of jewels”.  Manipura is associated with the sun and the color yellow, so summer feels like a natural time to tend to our center. Based on the teachings of Yoga and Reiki, when our solar plexus center is balanced and bright, we feel self-confident, empowered and joyful. When we are experiencing blockages in this energy center, we may feel insecure, shameful and helpless.

Consider this journaling exercise:
Grab your notebook and pen, maybe take a few moments to practice Ustrasana (camel pose) to open the chest and solar plexus. When you feel ready, place your hands on your belly and take a few deep breaths in and out. How have you been feeling about yourself lately? Allow what comes up to come, free write without judgment or structure if that feels good. Once you’ve released onto the page, take a few deep breaths. Imagine the bright summer sun filling your belly.

If any insights drop in that you can turn into an action step, commit to it. As always, we encourage you to reach out for support when needed.


As a therapist and yoga teacher, I acknowledge the privilege I have to share the teachings of yoga. I appreciate and honor the origins of Yoga from India.

Are you interested in learning more about incorporating yoga in your therapeutic work? Contact me at annamarchese@collabintherapy.com for a 15-minute consultation.

Written by Anna Marchese, MSW, LCSW, Mental Health Therapist, Reiki Master & Yoga Instructor at Collaborative InSights, LLC.

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