"Each and every being has an innate ability to heal as a gift from the gods."

- Dr. Mikao Usui, Reiki Master and Teacher

Reiki Energy Healing Services

Reiki is an energetic healing modality. It enhances and complements the healing work done in therapy. While traditional talk therapy addresses what we are consciously aware of, Reiki taps into the subconscious to help energy flow more easily and restore balance to the mind and body. It can be done in person but is just as effective when done from a distance (virtually). Adding Reiki to a therapy session can help to identify and clear energetic blockages that often manifest as physical or emotional symptoms. Reiki originates from Japan with loose ties to Buddhism though it isn’t affiliated with any specific religion.


At Collaborative InSights, Anna Marchese, MSW, LCSW, Reiki Master and Yoga Teacher offers reiki both in-person and virtually.


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Reiki Services

Individual initial reiki session: 75-90 minutes, $150

Individual follow up reiki session: 45-60 minutes, $125

Group reiki session: 60-90 minutes, $20-$50 (check out our community page for current offerings)

Ready to schedule your reiki session? Fill out the reiki intake form and we’ll be in touch soon.

Commonly Asked Questions

What can I expect during a  reiki session?

During your first reiki session, you’ll spend time talking one-on-one about your physical, medical, mental and/or energetic goals for treatment. Then you’ll have the option of staying seated, lying down on a massage table or resting comfortably from your home (if doing a virtual session). You will be lead through a brief guided meditation to assist with grounding and relaxation.  After treatment is complete, you’ll talk with Anna about your experience and she will provide an energy reading based on the treatment.

How is my body engaged during the session?

While Reiki energy healing is taking place, relaxing music will play in the background. Reiki can be provided with hands-on or hovering/from a distance depending on your preference. Essential oils can be used in the air and on your skin if desired. You will always be asked for consent when your body is engaged in treatment.

What are the benefits of a follow up session?

Regular energy clearing/healing can promote relaxation and progress. While you will be provided with individualized recommendations, the frequency of treatments can be determined with Anna.

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